Sunday, August 31, 2014

An Gath Vlewek Dasson 65

The Snakelocks Writhes and it sticks to your finger, 
Lurking in the same pool year after year, tide after tide.
And the drifter sits in his mineral kingdom, 
Making common cause with limpets and winkles,
Anemones and clingfish.
Practicing the Keltek tongue, ancient Brythonek wordflow.
But the excercise-girl can touch her toes - there goes my mind again.

There goes my mind again...

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

A Short Story of No Great Length

In Part 20 of  ‘The Journal of Elias Gillpington’,  things go from detestable to abominable as our protagonist stumbles into the Ynkleudhva district of a lichenous and rhyme-rotted New Lynsmouth.  This chapter contains information of a profoundly eldritch nature – you can join the fun at Page 4 of The Caterpillar No.65 – your August edition. 

On Page 3 you can find the jazzprose of Trumpet-man  and Special Jazz Correspondent, Mr Ben Jacket.

On Page 2 of this month’s Caterpillar you‘ll find a short story of no particularly great length, breadth or depth.  Extending in no dimensions, it is become a mere dot, a humble full-stop.


The Fenians from Cahirciveen – The Johnstons

The Byrds – Live at the Piper Club, Italy ’68.

У Лісі (In The Forest) - Ukrainian Folk Song

This summer’s day you’ll find the photons streaming and the Laws of Physics ticking along quite satisfactorily.  Beez abuzz and petals spread in the breeze.  Skirts fluttering, flirts tittering, smiles giggling.  Dragonfly drones and sups nectar, drops eggs in lifestream – worldegg swelling worldfruit ripening and wind coming to moan and sough the bough and drop the fruit the seed the sprout the sun the sap the twig and leaf the beetle the glistening drop of dew is licked by the bronze-diadem tongue of the iridescent glimmering dragonfly, servant of the Snake.